Career Advice

What to Expect When Working in an Agile Scrum Environment

John Smith

In today’s dynamic and fast-paced work environment, Agile Scrum has emerged as a popular methodology for software development and project management. Its iterative and collaborative approach promotes adaptability, flexibility, and efficient delivery of high-quality products. However, for those new to working in an Agile Scrum environment, it can be helpful to have an understanding of what to expect and how to navigate this unique way of working.

In this article, we will explore the key aspects of working in an Agile Scrum environment and shed light on what you can anticipate as a team member. From the five Scrum events to the skills required for success, let’s dive into the world of Agile Scrum and uncover what you can expect.

What’s in this article?

Working in Agile Scrum vs traditional methods

Agile Scrum and traditional methods represent different approaches to project management and software development. In a traditional approach, projects are usually planned in detail upfront with a fixed scope, timeline, and budget. Following a predefined plan means that changes are often difficult to accommodate once development is underway. This can lead to challenges when unexpected requirements arise or when customer feedback necessitates adjustments.

On the other hand, Agile Scrum thrives on adaptability and flexibility. It breaks down projects into smaller iterations called sprints, which typically last for up to four weeks, where cross-functional teams collaborate to deliver working increments of the product. This iterative approach enables frequent customer feedback, allowing for continuous improvement and course correction throughout the development process.

While traditional methods prioritise predictability and adherence to initial plans, Agile Scrum embraces uncertainty and encourages learning and adaptation. It acknowledges that requirements can evolve, and priorities can change, allowing for a more responsive and customer-centric approach.

What are the 5 Scrum events?

Agile Scrum is an approach to developing software that focuses on doing work in small iterations called sprints. Each sprint has specific events and activities to help teams deliver the product in increments and adapt to changes. Unlike traditional Waterfall methodologies, Scrum doesn’t have strict phases as such, but instead follows an iterative and incremental approach. Let’s have a look at the key events of Agile Scrum.

The 5 Scrum events

  1. Sprint planning
  2. Daily Scrum
  3. The Sprint
  4. Sprint Review
  5. Sprint Retrospective

1. Sprint planning

At the beginning of each sprint, the Product Owner and the Development team collaborate in the sprint planning event to set the direction for the upcoming iteration. During this event, they work together to determine the goals and select the backlog items that will be addressed in the sprint. They discuss the scope of work, prioritise the items based on their importance and value, and create the Sprint Backlog.

The Sprint Backlog contains a list of tasks or activities required to complete the selected backlog items, providing a detailed plan for the sprint. By engaging in this collaborative process, the team ensures clarity and alignment on what needs to be accomplished during the sprint.

2. Daily Scrum

In Agile Scrum, the efficient use of time and resources is a priority, and this principle extends to the Daily Scrum event. Also, referred to as the daily stand-up, the Daily Scrum is restricted to 15 minutes to ensure that it remains concise and focused. While standing up is not mandatory, many teams find it beneficial as it helps keep the meeting brief and to the point.

The Daily Scrum is an opportunity for the Development Team to evaluate their progress towards meeting the sprint goal. During the meeting, team members review what they achieved since the last meeting and discuss their plans for the next 24 hours, highlighting any challenges they may be faced with. The primary objectives of this meeting are to coordinate their efforts, address any hurdles promptly, and maintain transparency among team members.

3. The Sprint

During the execution phase of Agile Scrum, the Development Team actively works on the tasks outlined in the Sprint Backlog. They work together to accomplish the identified objectives, taking advantage of their diverse skills and abilities. Collaboration and self-organisation are key factors during the sprint phases, as team members must contribute their expertise and coordinate efforts to deliver the work.

Continuous communication and collaboration are emphasised throughout this phase to ensure steady progress while maintaining the quality of product increment. The team will regularly engage in discussions, exchange feedback, and seek opportunities to improve their work further.

4. Sprint Review

The Agile Manifesto’s principle, “At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behaviour accordingly,” encapsulates the rationale behind two important events in Agile Scrum: the Sprint Review and the Sprint Retrospective. These events occur at the end of the sprint and align with the continuous improvement mindset of Agile approaches. So, rather than aiming for perfection on the first attempt, the goal is to constantly enhance and refine.

Typically held on the last day of the sprint, the Sprint Review provides a platform for the Development Team to demonstrate the completed work to stakeholders. The team showcases the increment of the product, sharing the tangible outcomes of their efforts, which provides an opportunity for stakeholders to share their valuable feedback. Stakeholders can ask questions, offer their input, and request changes based on their observations and insights.

During the Sprint Review, the Product Owner actively engages with stakeholders and discusses the Product Backlog. The feedback received during the review informs discussions on potential adjustments and refinements to the product backlog. This collaborative dialogue between the Product Owner and stakeholders helps shape the future direction of the product, ensuring it aligns with the evolving needs and expectations of the stakeholders.

5. Sprint Retrospective

The Sprint Retrospective is the final event within a sprint and it plays a vital role in the continuous improvement process of the Scrum Team. During this dedicated session, the team reflects on their recent sprint and identifies areas where they can make improvements for future sprints. The fundamental belief underlying Scrum is that even the most proficient team can always find ways to enhance their performance, and the Sprint Retrospective offers an invaluable opportunity to do so.

All members of the Scrum Team, including the Developers, the Scrum Master, and the Product Owner actively participate in the Sprint Retrospective. The event encourages collaboration, reflecting the teamwork and cooperation seen in Scrum and Agile processes. It is a time for the team to collectively identify, discuss, and plan improvements that can enhance their effectiveness.

During the Sprint Retrospective, team members engage in open and honest discussions, sharing both insights and experiences from the recently concluded sprint. They assess what went well and areas where they encountered challenges or could have performed better. By promoting a positive atmosphere where constructive feedback and open communication are valued, the team is able to generate actionable items that can be implemented in future sprints.

Types of projects that use Agile Scrum

Due to its versatility, the Agile Scrum framework can be applied to a range of projects across different industries. Its flexibility, collaborative nature, and iterative approach make it suitable for projects where adaptability, customer feedback, and incremental delivery are valued. Here are some common examples of projects that use Agile Scrum:

Software development

Agile is essential for building software development projects of various sizes, including small, medium-sized, and even large projects due to their complexity. Each software project is unique, presenting its own set of challenges and requirements. Agile methodologies provide the necessary framework and mindset to navigate the uncertainties and changing needs of software development. This ensures efficient collaboration, frequent feedback, and iterative progress. Whether it’s a small project or a large-scale endeavour, Agile equips development teams with the tools to deliver successful software solutions that meet customer expectations and adapt to evolving market demands.

Product development

The Agile methodology can be applied to specific product design projects, taking into consideration the planning and implementation aspects. It is important to note that Agile may not be suitable for all product design projects. When designing products, it is crucial to align the development process with end-user requirements.

Product design projects, known for their complexity, benefit greatly from Agile. This methodology is particularly useful when dealing with product designs that involve multiple variants of the core product. Adopting an Agile approach allows product design teams to effectively manage the intricacies of the design process, ensure better collaboration, and deliver products that meet end-user expectations.

What skills does Agile Scrum require?

Agile Scrum requires a combination of technical, interpersonal, and organisational skills. Here are some of the skills that are invaluable to Agile Scrum:


At FDM, we recognise the importance of promoting adaptability, collaboration, and continuous improvement. We ensure that all of our consultants receive comprehensive training in the Agile Scrum framework to empower them to excel in a development environment. Our commitment to Agile Scrum extends beyond training, as we actively encourage its implementation in our project teams. We equip our consultants with the tools to thrive in a variety of working environments and, ultimately, excel in their careers.

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